General Volunteer Application Step 1 of 3 33% First Name*Last Name*Email* Phone*What city do you live in?Are you over age 18?* I'm over 18 I'm under 18 Preferred Contact Method*EmailFacebook MessageFacebook* Have you volunteered for a non-profit before?*Sure HaveNot YetWhat types of volunteer work are you interested in?* Street Team / Promotion Event Organization / Operation Social Media / Online Marketing Interlude 45 Support Group / Counseling Services (LPCs only) Degrees*Tell us why you’d like to work with our organization.* Do you have any special skills, certifications or training that directly relates to suicide or mental health services?*Don’t worry, this is not a requirement to join our team. Suicide advocates come from all walks of life.Anything else about you we should know?Who refered you to our organization?We love to thank our volunteers that are out there sharing the love.CAPTCHA